Maribel's left for one month!
Maribel has left for one month! Time flies!!!! It's my first MIMI Christmas Party without Maribel around today. I wonder how she is doing in her new job.
There are just too many farewell parties recently. The one we had for Marible was quite touching. She had been serving in the department for 13 years, just a little bit less than Jerry did. We were talking to each other since the first day I was in Tahara's lab.
Laura, Silvina, and the members in Ou's lab presented the gift to Maribel.
Our lab also prepared our gifts for Maribel. When Tom was giving the first gift, everyone was surprised and laughing. Tom gave Maribel a box of autoclaved tips in order to let her remember the days she had been here. XD
We also got a purse and a set of ear rings and necklace. Surprisingly, they went perfectly with her outfit!
In missing her, I hope that she is doing well in the new company. Best wishes to Maribel!